Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Cara Mengetahui Asal Server Dan Ip Suatu Website

Saya akan Memberitahu Cara Mengetahui Asal Server dan IP suatu Website Lewat Plugin Mozilla Firefox. Mohon Maaf jika Tutorialnya terlalu simpe / sulit mengerti.

1. buka Web Browser Mozilla Firefox 3.6

2. Masuklah ke alamat berikut: https://addons.mozil...efox/bookmarks/

3. Pada Kolom Pencarian, Ketik Kata "Flag" seperti pada gambar di bawah ini:

Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

4. Pada gambar di atas, Klik Hyp*k "FlagFox". Nanti akan Muncul Gambar seperti ini:
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

5. Lalu Klik "+ Add to Firefox" seperti gambar diatas, maka akan muncul Pesan Peringatan Seperti gambar dibawah ini (Gambar Hanya Ilustrasi):
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

6. Proses Penginstalan dan download plugin akan berlangsung. Jika di Minta untuk Restart Mozilla Firefox, Klik Restart.

7. Mozilla anda akan Muncul Seperti ini setelah melakukan instalasi plugin tersebut:
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

More About This Add-On:
Flagfox is an extension that displays a flag icon indicating the current webserver's physical location. Knowing where you're connected to adds an extra layer of awareness to your browsing and can be useful to indicate the native languages and legal jurisdictions that may apply. Additional information can be obtained via a multitude of external lookups and users can add their own custom actions. All actions can be added to the flag icon's context menu and set to icon click or keyboard shortcuts for quick access.

Clicking the flag icon loads our default action, Geotool, which gives a detailed map showing the city the server is in and other useful information such as its local time and ISP. Many other actions are available for a wide range of uses such as:

* Site safety and malware checks
* Finding similar sites and reviews
* Automatic translation to your language
* SEO and web development research
* Diagnostics like pings and traceroutes
* Whois and DNS information
* Page code validation
* Quick URL shortening
* Copying a server's IP address or other info
* or you can create your own custom actions!

Flagfox is simple, unobtrusive, and uses relatively little resources. In order to protect your privacy, country lookups are done locally rather than asking an external server about every page you browse to. It works by accessing an internal IP address location database, basically a rough map of the physical layout of the Internet, based on data provided by Maxmind. This gives a flag for the nationality of the actual location of the server you're connected to, rather than just the nationality of the domain name which may be different. Flagfox updates are provided on a monthly basis to keep this internal database accurate.

Cukup Sekian isi dari Tutorial dari Saya, Jika ada Kekurangan dari tutorial ini mohon beri tahu saya... agar saya lebih baik dalam menyampaikan / menuliskan tutoril saya.

Credit: IndraTKJ Snutz

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