Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Cara Mengetahui Informasi Suatu Website Secara Lengkap

Saya akan Memberitahu Cara Mengetahui Informasi suatu Website secara Lengkap Lewat Plugin Mozilla Firefox. Mohon Maaf jika Tutorialnya terlalu simpe / sulit mengerti.

1. buka Web Browser Mozilla Firefox 3.6

2. Masuklah ke alamat berikut: https://addons.mozil...efox/bookmarks/

3. Pada Kolom Pencarian, Ketik Kata "Flag" seperti pada gambar di bawah ini:

Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

4. Pada gambar di atas, Klik Hyp*k "World IP". Nanti akan Muncul Gambar seperti ini:
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

5. Lalu Klik "+ Add to Firefox" seperti gambar diatas, maka akan muncul Pesan Peringatan Seperti gambar dibawah ini:
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

6. Proses Penginstalan dan download plugin akan berlangsung. Jika di Minta untuk Restart Mozilla Firefox, Klik Restart.

7. Mozilla anda akan Muncul Seperti ini setelah melakukan instalasi plugin tersebut:
Resized to 76% (was 640 x 480) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

More About This Add-On:
WorldIP add-on, when installed into your Web browser, shows up-to-date information about real physical location (country, flag, AS network, Provider/Datacenter and IP address, reverse DNS) of a web server you are currently visiting. You can make trace and ping from multiple points around the world or from one of global provider. It can display your own IP address and provider.

WorldIP extension is one of WIPmania's products based on WorldIP geolocation database. The database is more correct than Whois records and Whois-based databases, that show geographic locations of network owners, and not the geographic location of networks themselves.

- Real country, flag
- All IP addresses of the server (IPv4 and IPv6)
- Data center, provider
- Autonomous System (AS) of the nerwork
- Reverse DNS
- Your external IP address and the network information
- Ping and traceroute from around 40 servers worldwide
- Ping and traceroute from your computer (beta)
- Links to Looking Glasses of 43 global providers*. By provider name or by country/city.
- WIP-Rank - rating of hosting companies/datacenters

* Not every global provider has an open looking glass.

Cukup Sekian isi dari Tutorial dari Saya, Jika ada Kekurangan dari tutorial ini mohon beri tahu saya... agar saya lebih baik dalam menyampaikan / menuliskan tutoril saya.

Credit: IndraTKJ Snutz

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